Misc Thoughts

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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Postby kramday » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:06 pm

Good Groove
I have been feeling pretty good lately. My clothes have felt a little better, but I have really been hammering it at the gym the last couple of days. I have done at least 45 mins of cardio and I lifted last night. (Some more details in the 100 Challenge thread.) Plus, I have been doing the Gazelle each day in the afternoon. That has really caused me to look at my work day each morning, or the night before, to figure out when I can fit that in as my lunch. That has had the added benefit of being a little bit more productive at work. So, I'm quite pleased at the moment, though there is still a long way to go.
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Postby kramday » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:13 pm

Resting Metabolic Rate
I went to The Rite Bite (website appears to be down at the moment) to get my RMR measured. It is a test where you breathe into a device called a MedGem for 5-10 minutes. Then it gives you a number that "accounts for up to 75% of your daily metabolic need." The number that came out was 2140, which multiplied by 1.2 for my Stationary lifestyle (sitting at a computer desk). The final number to maintain my current weight as 2568, rounded to 2550. To lose a pound a week needs to cut that by 500, so 2050 calories per day.

This doesn't take into account any of the exercising that I have been doing, but I have an idea of what I should be looking at in general. They offer a more complete nutrition assessment, so I might go back in a few months for that. It just depends on how I am feeling with what I am currently doing. If it is working and I'm motivated, then I'll just keep with it. If I start to slack off, then it might be a good idea to do it to jump start it again.
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Postby kramday » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:01 am

February 100 Challenge
Anyone want to jump on the 100 Challenge bandwagon for next month? It really isn't that hard, you just have to be realistic when you set up your goals for the month. It does have a nice effect of getting you to follow through, at least that is my experience after the first month.
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Postby kramday » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:18 am

kramday wrote:Anyone want to jump on the 100 Challenge bandwagon for next month?

Don't hurt yourselves jumping so fast. :D
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Postby kramday » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:35 am

Fitness Assessment
As I mentioned in the 100 Challenge thread, I did the fitness tests with the trainer last night.

Weight: 219.5
Body Fat %: 29.1%
BMI: 31.1
Waist: 110
Hips: 113.5
Chest: 107.5
Right Quad: 55.5
Right Bicep: 33
3 Min. Step Test: 101
3 Min. Step Test (1.5 mins): 86
Sit and Reach: 21
Push Ups: 29
Sit Ups: 21

A few of notes on the tests. The weight is obviously in pounds. The BMI is just a number, I believe. The girth and caliper measurements are in centimeters. The two heart rate numbers are beats per minute. The 3 Min Step test is where you step up on a 12-inch box for three minutes and then get your heart rate. The 1.5 mins is taking your heart rate again after the test is completed. The sit and reach is a number on a scale that the YMCA came up with. Push-ups is just the number of push-ups that you can do before you have to quit with no time limit. The sit-ups was the number of sit-ups that you could do in a minute. Both the push up and sit up numbers were personal bests (this is the sixth time I have done these tests), plus this was the first time that I made it the full minute on the sit ups.
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Postby amerigoV » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:09 pm

Are those full sit-ups? Given how bad they are on the back, I am surprised they have not converted this measure to crunches (I have done a lot of crunches over the years, but I have not done an actual sit-up in a looooong time).
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Postby Carlo » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:56 pm

Yeah, they still give the situp test even though alot of studies say its harder on the back.

I might just have to try and get those numbers.

I'm getting steadlily better at workouts but I don't usually keep count, Lynn keeps showing me up :D (I've personally witnessed her do 78 situps in one minute at the Battle of the Badges compitition (1st place) and also seen her done 60+ pushups in practice :shock: ).

Me? I'm just plugging along in the Mediocre lane :D
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Postby kramday » Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:09 pm

They are full sit ups, however the tests are the only time that I do the sit ups. Otherwise, I do crunches. (Although as the picture thread will attest, I'm not that great about doing ab work anyway.) I think the reason the tests are still full sit ups is that there established benchmarks for ages and levels. I figure a minute of sit ups isn't going to kill me.
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Postby amerigoV » Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:44 pm

<Consulting hat on>

While there may be benchmarks, when were they developed? If the were developed when everyone did sit-ups, then the results may be false -- you are not working the exact muscles the same way (crunch vs. situp). It is always harder to do an exercise that your muscle memory is not used to. For example, suppose you work out on the bench press, but testing is done using incline bench -- your muscles are expending energy coping with the new angle and not lifting the weight.

Just something you might ask about (what does this result tell me, and is it relevent?)

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Postby kramday » Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:56 pm

Is that an ACE certified consulting hat? :twisted: :D

For me, the main thing is to be able to compare the numbers from the last time I took the test. For example, when I took the tests in August (not the last time, but the one before) I had just spent all summer riding my bike. My weight and chest waist weren't all that great. But I crushed the 3 min step test. After a minute and a half my heart rate was back down to 68 BMP. I could see the direct benefit from the long rides and climbing hills. Getting to 86 this time tells me that while hitting the elliptical machine and stationary bike is working (lost 10 lbs. this month), it isn't doing quite the same cardio-wise as a 40 mile bike ride.
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Postby Carlo » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:53 pm

I've talked to several professional trainers about situps vs. crunches and the best I've gotten is "yeah, we all know crunchs are better but "They" have not changed te test or the test programs yet.' Go figure.
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Postby kramday » Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:07 pm

I did send the question off to my trainer. I'll let you know what she has to say.
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Postby amerigoV » Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:09 pm

Carlo wrote:I've talked to several professional trainers about situps vs. crunches and the best I've gotten is "yeah, we all know crunchs are better but "They" have not changed te test or the test programs yet.' Go figure.

That is sad, given that situps have been deemed bad for about 15-20 years now.
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Postby kramday » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:23 am

Changed the thread title to be just Misc Thoughts. No point in constantly starting a new one each month.
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Postby kramday » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:39 pm

Body Fat
I was looking through the Weigh-In thread and noticed that Jeff wasn't too thrilled with the numbers that his scale was giving him on the % Body Fat. I think my scale is a little high on the % Body Fat, but not too much. Mine also says in the manual that it can vary quite a bit because of eating, clothing, exercising, blah, blah. I try to weigh myself first thing in the morning, which means that the scale is at least consistent.

Anway, I was surfing the web and came across the device the trainer uses at the gym. It was also what they used at Rite Bite, if that matters at all. It is the Omron Body Fat Analyzer. I'm not suggesting that Jeff (or anyone else) goes out and buys one, but he might check at the rec center across from his house or any Y that he joins if they have one.

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