101 Goals
Goal: To complete all 101 items by Feb 1, 2010. Items in green are completed. Currently, 46 (45.54%) goals are completed.
- read all of REH’s original Conan stories (13/21) — Conan Stories
- trim bushes in front of house
- read a book a week on average (34/143) — Book a Week
- complete all exercsies in Practice of Poetry
- remodel master bathroom
- replace baseboards
- learn to use Airbrush
- visit my nephew at least once a month (33/33)
- get drive way replaced
- pay off PLC on house
- take a vacation in 2007
- take a vacation in 2008
- take a vacation in 2009
- have a painted War Gods army — WarGods Army
- ride Tour de Cure in 2007 — Tour de Cure
- ride Tour de Cure in 2008 — Tour de Cure
- volunteer Family Fun ride (was ride Tour de Cure in 2009)
- lead a ride for the WBC
- average two dates a month (2/66)
- read the Ptolus book — Ptolus Book
- read Redhurst Magical Academybook — Redhurst Academy
- go to Origins in 2007
- go to Origins in 2008
- go to Origins in 2009
- go to GenCon
- DM an Ohio Game
- go to an Indians Game
- go to a Browns Game
- go to a Buckeyes Game
- ride a century
- stain bookshelves in the library
- organize books in the library
- type up my uncle’s Vietnam letters
- read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy (0/4) — Lord of the Rings
- get 78 record collection out of the garage (either sell or organize in the house)
- ride 500 miles in a month (Best: 270.65 May 07)
- average 2 painted figs a month (15/66) — Painted Figs
- play in 2 wargames each year, Origins can count as one each year (6/6)
- host a New Year’s Eve party
- have a birthday bash
- host an After Origins cookout
- After Origins cookout (was: have a Memorial Day cookout)
- go to a corn maze (was: have a Labor Day cookout)
- host a Christmas party
- paint Gauth
- paint T’Char
- read the Bible — Books of the Bible
- read Tao Te Ching
- read The Black Company books (4/10) — Black Company
- read original Thieves’ World trilogy (2/3) — Thieves World
- read the Brother Cadfael books (5/21) — Brother Cadfael series
- watch all the Kurosawa movies that I own (6/7) — Kurosawa Movies
- go through Learning to Draw on the Right Side of the Brain
- visit Columbus Museum of Art — CMA
- visit COSI — COSI
- volunteer at the Dry Run Ride each year (2/3)
- enter Army Painting Yahoo Group monthly contest 6 times (0/6)
- get Wisdom Teeth removed
- replace fan in the attic
- clean the fishtank
- paint Dwarf World figs (0/10)
- go scuba diving
- walk everyday for 30 straight days (September 2007)
- take a Pilates class
- paint Fellowship of the Ring figs plus Bilbo (0/10)
- make a batch of homemade beer
- write an article for Delver’s Square — Delver’s Square
- get my passport
- take a trip where I need my passport
- watch all movies that won Best Movie Oscar (33/81) — Oscar Winners
- go skydiving — SkyDive Columbus
- ride in a hot air balloon
- go mountain biking
- make a podcast
- eat vegetarian for a month (June 2008)
- bench press 225 pounds
- create a home maintenance checklist — Home Maintenance Checklist
- learn to do chip carving
- read all the Harry Potter books (0/7)
- go surfing
- learn to play three songs on the guitar (0/3)
- weigh less than 200 lbs.
- take a basic German language class
- donate $10 to charity for each item on list not completed
- volunteer to help my family (volunteer at an organization)
- take a road trip (was take a spiritual retreat)
- Do the 31 Days to Fix Finances exercises — From the Simple Dollar
- Get AC replaced
- go to an Astronomy club meeting — Columbus Astronomical Society
- play frisbee golf
- change own oil
- donate blood twice a year (5/6) — Give Blood
- learn how to do graphs with PHP
- get a new job (promotion from current job counts)
- get lights for my bike
- go spelunking
- go to a concert
- ride six mile loop at 20 MPH average (best: 18.5 MPH)
- take dancing lessons
- make a loaf of bread
- post this list in a public place