101 Goals

Goal: To complete all 101 items by Feb 1, 2010. Items in green are completed. Currently, 46 (45.54%) goals are completed.

  1. read all of REH’s original Conan stories (13/21) — Conan Stories
  2. trim bushes in front of house
  3. read a book a week on average (34/143) — Book a Week
  4. complete all exercsies in Practice of Poetry
  5. remodel master bathroom
  6. replace baseboards
  7. learn to use Airbrush
  8. visit my nephew at least once a month (33/33)
  9. get drive way replaced
  10. pay off PLC on house
  11. take a vacation in 2007
  12. take a vacation in 2008
  13. take a vacation in 2009
  14. have a painted War Gods army — WarGods Army
  15. ride Tour de Cure in 2007Tour de Cure
  16. ride Tour de Cure in 2008Tour de Cure
  17. volunteer Family Fun ride (was ride Tour de Cure in 2009)
  18. lead a ride for the WBC
  19. average two dates a month (2/66)
  20. read the Ptolus book — Ptolus Book
  21. read Redhurst Magical Academybook — Redhurst Academy
  22. go to Origins in 2007
  23. go to Origins in 2008
  24. go to Origins in 2009
  25. go to GenCon
  26. DM an Ohio Game
  27. go to an Indians Game
  28. go to a Browns Game
  29. go to a Buckeyes Game
  30. ride a century
  31. stain bookshelves in the library
  32. organize books in the library
  33. type up my uncle’s Vietnam letters
  34. read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy (0/4) — Lord of the Rings
  35. get 78 record collection out of the garage (either sell or organize in the house)
  36. ride 500 miles in a month (Best: 270.65 May 07)
  37. average 2 painted figs a month (15/66) — Painted Figs
  38. play in 2 wargames each year, Origins can count as one each year (6/6)
  39. host a New Year’s Eve party
  40. have a birthday bash
  41. host an After Origins cookout
  42. After Origins cookout (was: have a Memorial Day cookout)
  43. go to a corn maze (was: have a Labor Day cookout)
  44. host a Christmas party
  45. paint Gauth
  46. paint T’Char
  47. read the Bible — Books of the Bible
  48. read Tao Te Ching
  49. read The Black Company books (4/10) — Black Company
  50. read original Thieves’ World trilogy (2/3)Thieves World
  51. read the Brother Cadfael books (5/21) — Brother Cadfael series
  52. watch all the Kurosawa movies that I own (6/7)Kurosawa Movies
  53. go through Learning to Draw on the Right Side of the Brain
  54. visit Columbus Museum of ArtCMA
  55. visit COSICOSI
  56. volunteer at the Dry Run Ride each year (2/3)
  57. enter Army Painting Yahoo Group monthly contest 6 times (0/6)
  58. get Wisdom Teeth removed
  59. replace fan in the attic
  60. clean the fishtank
  61. paint Dwarf World figs (0/10)
  62. go scuba diving
  63. walk everyday for 30 straight days (September 2007)
  64. take a Pilates class
  65. paint Fellowship of the Ring figs plus Bilbo (0/10)
  66. make a batch of homemade beer
  67. write an article for Delver’s Square — Delver’s Square
  68. get my passport
  69. take a trip where I need my passport
  70. watch all movies that won Best Movie Oscar (33/81) — Oscar Winners
  71. go skydiving — SkyDive Columbus
  72. ride in a hot air balloon
  73. go mountain biking
  74. make a podcast
  75. eat vegetarian for a month (June 2008)
  76. bench press 225 pounds
  77. create a home maintenance checklistHome Maintenance Checklist
  78. learn to do chip carving
  79. read all the Harry Potter books (0/7)
  80. go surfing
  81. learn to play three songs on the guitar (0/3)
  82. weigh less than 200 lbs.
  83. take a basic German language class
  84. donate $10 to charity for each item on list not completed
  85. volunteer to help my family (volunteer at an organization)
  86. take a road trip (was take a spiritual retreat)
  87. Do the 31 Days to Fix Finances exercisesFrom the Simple Dollar
  88. Get AC replaced
  89. go to an Astronomy club meetingColumbus Astronomical Society
  90. play frisbee golf
  91. change own oil
  92. donate blood twice a year (5/6)Give Blood
  93. learn how to do graphs with PHP
  94. get a new job (promotion from current job counts)
  95. get lights for my bike
  96. go spelunking
  97. go to a concert
  98. ride six mile loop at 20 MPH average (best: 18.5 MPH)
  99. take dancing lessons
  100. make a loaf of bread
  101. post this list in a public place