Monday Check-in
I’m not sure if I am going to update the blog everyday, but I do want to make sure that I give a status update on Mondays.
I managed to get back on the bike again today, before the weather went to crap. Another shorter ride, but it was long enough to be encouraging. The knee felt pretty good getting on the bike, though I’m definitely going to have to ice it later on tonight.
Distance: 2.75 miles
Time: 0:13:06
Avg Speed: 12.6 MPH
Max Speed: 16.8 MPH
Currently Monthly Mileage: 4.29 miles
Pct of Monthly Goal: 4.29%
I also got on the scale today. It was pretty much what I expected, but hopefully getting it out there will help with the motivation as well.
Weight: 272.5
Pct Body Fat: 37%
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