First “Real” Ride of the Year
I did what I would consider the first real ride on Friday. Instead of just doing a short loop multiple times, this time I did one longer out and back loop. The main distinction is probably more mental than physical, as it meant I was a fair bit away from home if the knee (or anything else) started bothering me. Fortunately, that wasn’t an issue. The only “problems” with the ride was just being out of shape and doing the longer distance. The weather played a bit of a role as well, since when I was riding it couldn’t make up its mind if it wanted to rain or not. I did wear my rain jacket, and it was covered by the time I finished. But I did luck out in that it didn’t really rain until I was done.
I’ll probably keep doing this loop for a bit, then gradually add some distance onto it.
Distance: 5.76 miles *
Time: 00:26:40
Avg Speed: 12.8 MPH
Max Speed: 21 MPH
Currently Monthly Mileage: 14.14 miles
Pct of Monthly Goal: 14.14%
* I’m only counting the 5.76 since that is what the bike computer showed. However, the actually ride was closer to 6. I turned the computer off at stop light and evidently didn’t hit the button correctly to turn it back on. I need to change the computer to auto start when the tires start moving.
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