Nov 6th, 2009 Log

The day was definitely influenced by going to the Dame’s for the evening. Even though there was a lot of snacking, I didn’t feel like I did too bad at all.

Food Log

Breakfast: 10:35am, 5 mins after waking up
2 waffles w/syrup, 12 oz. Diet Citrus Drop

Snack: 12:50pm, 2:15 after Breakfast
Chocolate Chip Clif bar, 16 oz. water

Lunch: 3:30pm, 2:40 after Snack
2 Morningstar Farms Garden Veggie burgers, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 6:00pm, 2:30 after Lunch
Jack Links Teriyaki Beef Jerky, 16 oz. water

Party at Dames: rest of the evening after 7pm
brownies (at least 3), chips, apple slices, cheeseburger dip, 32 oz. water, and maybe something else that I am forgetting

Sleep Log

Not a lot of trouble sleeping last night, but I did have trouble actually getting to bed. It was almost 3:30am by the time I went to bed. That, in turn, made it difficult to get up this morning and I hit the snooze about 5 or 6 times.

Exercise Log

Not back to it yet.

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