May 17th, 2011 by Kramday
Well time kind of slipped away from doing the updates here. However, I had a pretty good week otherwise. Here are the highlights. Tuesday – May 10th I meet with a personal trainer, to set up a schedule for the summer. While we talked we walked around the neighborhood, doing a mile loop. She also […]
May 9th, 2011 by Kramday
Yesterday (Sunday) was easily the best ride so far this year. The weather definitely helped, but the legs felt strong for the entire ride. It was the same loop that I did on Friday, though without the bike computer issues. Distance: 6.01 miles Time: 00:26:53 Avg Speed: 13.4 MPH Max Speed: 22 MPH Currently Monthly […]
May 7th, 2011 by Kramday
I did what I would consider the first real ride on Friday. Instead of just doing a short loop multiple times, this time I did one longer out and back loop. The main distinction is probably more mental than physical, as it meant I was a fair bit away from home if the knee (or […]
May 5th, 2011 by Kramday
I took Tuesday off, but got in a ride on Wednesday. I was at Ryan and Kara’s, and they live on a loop that is a little less than three quarters of a mile. I never really paid that much attention when I drove out to their place, but there is definitely some slope on […]
May 3rd, 2011 by Kramday
I’m not sure if I am going to update the blog everyday, but I do want to make sure that I give a status update on Mondays. I managed to get back on the bike again today, before the weather went to crap. Another shorter ride, but it was long enough to be encouraging. The […]
May 1st, 2011 by Kramday
One of my goals for this summer is to get back on my bike. It has been a while since I have put any real miles on the bike, not even counting last summer where it wasn’t an option. So help set the mood, we’ll start off with Queen. I did manage to get in […]
June 6th, 2008 by Kramday
2007 Ride – June 16th Raised: $470 Ride: 3 Hours 43 Mins 49 Secs, Distance: 64.33 Miles, Avg Speed: 17.2 MPH, Max Speed: 33.2 MPH. Swag: none, didn’t send anything in 2008 Ride – June 7th Raised: $775 Ride: 4 Hours 29 Mins 29 Secs, Distance: 62.76 Miles, Avg Speed: 14 MPH, Max Speed: 29.9 […]