Day 3

Pretty decent day today. Got off to a slight snag this morning, when I found out the milk in my fridge was bad. There went the idea of having cereal. Also, old habits die hard as my intention for lunch was to have 1 chik pattie and broccoli, instead of my normal 2 chik patties. But when it came time for lunch, I didn’t even think about it and two patties went into the microwave. Still, I don’t think either was a huge deal.

Here are the goals for the third day:

1. Eat a Fat Loss Breakfast as Soon as You Get Up.
2. Plan Tomorrow’s Eating Schedule.
3. Get Ready for Tomorrow.
4. Listen to the Day 3 Audio Program.
5. Make either Lunch or Dinner a Fat Loss Plate.

And here are the results:

1. Whoops. As I mentioned above, the plan to get the protein from the milk went down the drain this morning. Since my sister gave me some homemade waffles last weekend, I decided to go with those instead. Pretty tasty.

2. This is what I am currently thinking for tomorrow:
Breakfast: 10am, waffles w/syrup and glass of milk (probably have the pop as well for the caffeine)
Snack: 12:30pm, Clif Bar
Lunch: 3pm, grilled chicken and broccoli with cheese sauce (leftovers)
Dinner: 6-7pm, I’ll probably end up looking through his dining out options
Snack: 10-11pm, Apple Fiber One Bar

3. I have everything listed above already, so I’m good to go there.

4. I had a doctor’s appointment today, so I listened to the program on the way there. He has definitely moved into “program” mode from “infomercial” mode. The programs are fairly short, which helps.

5. I went with dinner as the Fat Loss plate tonight. The chicken breast that I pulled out of the freezer was pretty large, so there are leftovers for tomorrow.

Food Log

Breakfast: 10:05am, 5 minutes after waking up
2 waffles w/syrup, 12 oz. Diet Citrus Drop

Lunch: 12:30pm, 2:25 after breakfast
2 Morningstar Farms Chik patties, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 4:30pm, 4:00 after lunch
Chocolate Chip Clif Bar

Dinner: 7:30pm, 3:00 after snack
grilled chicken, broccoli w/cheese sauce, and corn, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 10:55pm, 3:25 after dinner
Apple Fiber One bar

Snack: 1:10am, 2:15 after snack
3 baby carrots and 1 grape tomato

Exercise Log

Elliptical Machine: 11:45pm
20 minutes with fairly low resistance, but worked up a good sweat

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