Day 20

Today the program called for cooking a Fat Loss Plate for a friend. I didn’t do that, but that was mainly because I didn’t really think about the program at all. I have pretty much moved into the next phase, of just watching what I eat and continue this journal.

Food Log

Breakfast: 10:45am, 10 minutes after waking up
2 waffles w/syrup, 12 oz. Citrus Drop

Lunch: 5pm, 6:15 after breakfast
2 Morningstar Farms Garden Veggie burgers on wheat bread, 16 oz. water

Dinner: 8pm, 3:00 after lunch
Grilled Chicken Breast, broccoli, Yoplait Light Lemon 16 oz. water

Water: 11:20pm, 16 oz. during workout

Snack: 12:15am, 4:15 after dinner
handful of baby carrots, 12 oz. water

Sleep Log

No real issues with sleeping last night. I tossed and turned a bit, but I feel asleep not too long after I went to bed at 2:20am. Also, no problems with the alarm this morning, getting up around 10:30am.

Exercise Log

Elliptical Machine: 11:20pm
Time: 20 mins, Calories: 259*

* I know you can’t really go off the calorie number on the machine, but I am going to try and track it as an indicator of how hard I worked. I would think I can compare the number from one workout to the next on the same machine.

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