Nov 30th Log

The scale was up a pound from what I was last week. That isn’t exactly what I was hoping for, but it is also inside normal daily variances. So no real complaints.

Weight: 253.5

Food Log

Breakfast: 10:30am, 5 mins after waking up
White Macadamia Nut Clif bar, 12 oz. Diet Citrus Drop

Lunch: 1:30pm, 3:00 after Breakfast
Turkey Lavash sandwich, slice pumpkin pie, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 4:00pm, 3:30 after Lunch
Deviled Egg, 16 oz. water

Snack: 6:00pm, 2:00 after Snack
apple, 16 oz. water

Dinner: 7:30pm, 1:30 after Snack
Thanksgiving leftovers: turkey, corn bake, mashed potatoes, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 10:30pm, 3:00 after Dinner
Chocolate Chip Clif bar, 20 oz. water

Snack: 1:30am, 3:00 after Snack
almond butter and jelly on wheat bread, 16 oz. water

Sleep Log

The goal this week is to get up by 10:30am. Since I have a doctor’s appointment and a chiropractor appointment on two days, that leaves today, tomorrow, and Friday as days with nothing scheduled in the morning. Today I got up when the alarm went off and felt pretty good about it.

Exercise Log

took the day off

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