Day 7

Day 7 was a lazy day. I stayed home and pretty much did nothing except some laundry and some reading. It was a good day.

Here are the goals for the seventh day:

1. Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Tonight.
2. Start Journaling How Many Hours of Sleep You Get Each Day.
3. Reward Yourself and Set a New Weekly Goal.
4. Listen to the Day 7 Audio Program.

And here are the results:

1. I’ll need to go to bed by 2am to hit seven hours for tomorrow. That is a good hour earlier than I have been getting to bed lately. I need to work on my sleep hygenie, so that my body knows that it is time to go to sleep.

2. I’ll start this officially tomorrow, but I slept from around 3am to 11:15am or so last night.

3. I’ll confess that I struggle big time with the whole with the rewards thing. I guess I need to change my perception as to what actually constitutes a reward.

4. Lots of talk about sleep studies that demonstrate the benefits of hitting the 7-8 hour range, but no real references. While I would be extremely unlikely to read a medical journal as follow-up, it is always nice to see actual sources listed.

Food Log

Breakfast: 11:30am, 10 minutes after waking up
Chocolate Chip Clif Bar, 12 oz. Diet Citrus Drop

Lunch: 2pm, 2:30 after breakfast
2 hot dogs and buns, 2 strawberries, handful of celery, handful of grape tomatoes

Dinner: 6pm, 4:00 after lunch
2 Morningstar Farms Original Grillers and buns, 2 strawberries, handful of celery

Snack: 9pm, 3:00 after dinner
Apple Fiber One bar

Snack: 11:45pm, 2:45 after snack
Peanut Butter and slice of bread

Water Log
16 oz. w/lunch
16 oz. w/dinner
16 oz. w/first snack
16 oz. w/second snack

Exercise Log
took the day off

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