Day 11

(Very late entry due to waking up on the 12th with a headache and not wanting to get out of bed.)

Not much with the program on day eleven. The I felt I did a decent job with the eating, though I probably should have gone away from the cheese sauce on the broccoli. Oh well, it is a complete deprivation program even during the first 21 days.

Here are the goals for the eleventh day:

1. Turn Your Family’s Favorite Meal into a Fat Loss Plate
2. Remember to Keep Doing the Activities from the First 10 Days

And here are the results:

1. I am meeting with my mom and sister on Sunday to review some family favorites.
2. I think I have been doing a pretty decent job of eating, trying to get to bed earlier, and the water. I have been fairly good about the exercise, but would like to be a little bit more consistent.

Food Log

Breakfast: 8:15am, 10 minutes after waking up
Chocolate Chip Clif Bar, 12 oz. Diet Citrus Drop

Snack: 11:15am, 3:00 after breakfast
peanut butter and slice of bread

Lunch: 2:15pm, 3:00 after snack
2 Morningstar Farms Grillers Original and buns, 12 oz. Diet Lemon Lime

Snack: 6:30pm, 4:15 after lunch
Chocolate Chip Clif Bar

Dinner: 9:15pm, 2:45 after snack
Wendell’s Pub Chicken Primavera, broccoli with cheese sauce

Sleep Log

I tried to go to be earlier last night, but had a lot of trouble actually falling asleep. I think I managed to fall asleep sometime between 2:30 and 3am. The normally wouldn’t be horrible, but I got up earlier to take the Kludys to the airport. 8:05am is definitely way too early for me.

Exercise Log

Sand Volleyball: 7pm
We played a couple of hours, but the games weren’t very intense. I still tried to move around, but not as much as I should/could have. Still pretty sweaty at the end of the night though.

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