Tag Archive for 'Food Lovers'

Day 12

Between an insanely late start to the day and the OSU game, I really didn’t look at the program today. The goal today was to do 12 minutes of resistance training, which I already planned on doing the bow flex workout tomorrow. Food Log “Breakfast”: 4:15pm, 10 minutes after waking up 2 Morningstar Farms Chik […]

Day 11

(Very late entry due to waking up on the 12th with a headache and not wanting to get out of bed.) Not much with the program on day eleven. The I felt I did a decent job with the eating, though I probably should have gone away from the cheese sauce on the broccoli. Oh […]

Day 10

Day 10 was a pretty decent day. I did get on the scale, enough though he said not to during the 21 days. It was nice to see that number drop again, as I am down to 260. 6.5 pounds over the first 10 days is a nice start. Here are the goals for the […]

Day 9

Day 9 was a really good day. I did finish off the last hot dog from the party last week, but other than that I felt like I did a pretty good job with the food selections. Also, had a nice ride and hit the bow flex pretty hard. Here are the goals for the […]

Day 8

Another late post for the eighth day. It was a decent day, but not great. I did finally up the milk I bought and had the cereal. I give the Kashi Heart to Heart a thumbs up. I was originally hoping to get on my bike at lunch or on the elliptical after gaming. Unfortunately, […]

Day 7

Day 7 was a lazy day. I stayed home and pretty much did nothing except some laundry and some reading. It was a good day. Here are the goals for the seventh day: 1. Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Tonight. 2. Start Journaling How Many Hours of Sleep You Get Each Day. 3. […]

Day 6

Another late write-up for the previous day. Too much socializing (lots of fun though) and then sleeping (no regrets). Day 6 was pretty good. I did miss one snack in the middle of the day, as I went for my bike ride at about the time I would have had the snack. I wasn’t really […]

Day 5

Busy day yesterday, so the write-up is later than I had originally intended. Woke up today with a seriously stiff neck after volleyball last night. I think tweaked it on the last dive last night. It is a good thing I was already planning on taking today off from exercise. On the eating front, I […]

Day 4

This is why the milk in my fridge went bad. Even though I told myself a couple of times that I should drink it today, it just never happened. Otherwise I felt like it was a pretty good day. The cream sauce in the penne pasta, might not have been a great choice. But there […]

Day 3

Pretty decent day today. Got off to a slight snag this morning, when I found out the milk in my fridge was bad. There went the idea of having cereal. Also, old habits die hard as my intention for lunch was to have 1 chik pattie and broccoli, instead of my normal 2 chik patties. […]